Walks That Turn Into Trots

I used to be an avid runner. Marathoner. All of the races were either in Big Sur, Austin, on the Monterey peninsula, Boulder, or northern California. I won many and led the pack in more than a few. Running defined me ever since college when I was a member of the UT Track Team in 1980—a long time ago. I trained and trained and succeeded in events that I never thought possible.

Given that, what does any of this have to do with 8 Paws Wellness? Well, I’ll tell you. Our little Wizard (who just turned 8 months young) has developed a penchant for running on our early dawn walks. Normally, I wear Crocs when I wake up to walk him, preferring the comfort and ease of sliding them on and off. Plus, ever since I had major sciatica in 2018, I’ve wanted to take care of my feet, which helps my posture, which helps my back remain healthy.

I also have a cool pair of running shoes that I’d bust out every so often and go to the track to do sprints and run stairs, or take a 5-mile easy run on the Bluff Trail that borders the ocean in Los Osos. Unfortunately, dogs aren’t allowed there, and the times I’ve gone for a run to the Bluff were before Wizard entered our lives. I wasn’t sure he would want to begin running at all, especially at such a young age.

But Wizard is a high-energy and high-activity breed who craves adventure and exercise as much as I do. Getting back to our early walk/runs though, I decided to start sporting my running shoes at 6 a.m., in the event he might want to pick up the pace. Sure enough, the minute I say “Let’s run!” Wizard is undeniably into it. We trot for about 30 minutes now and travel all over the streets as the dawn skies break open with the most captivating stars, leftover clouds from the rain the night before (or perhaps, foreshadowing more rain to come), and every sound imaginable from Mother Nature’s nocturnal critters waking up.

Wizard has reinvigorated my love of running. I wasn’t so much into it after Scout passed away last March. He used to accompany me on every beach run, trail run, track run, and stair run, so it didn’t seem right to trot without him. My mojo was waning and my aches and pains were returning. Oddly, my entire body feels a thousand times better when I get invigorated with heart-rate exercises in the beautiful outdoors while having a blast with my dog.

I had an intention I set early for Wizard—to be able to run with him, for him to accompany Greg on his paddleboard in the inlet, for him to learn new skills that use his working breed to the nth. Although he hasn’t had the pleasure of being with Greg on the paddleboard yet, Wizard certainly has learned numerous skills that play into the Border Terrier breed. He checks off milestone after milestone as the months go by, and both Greg and I are elated with what an amazing dog he’s becoming.

The walks that turn into trots are completely spontaneous. I’ll even be on a longer afternoon walk and Wizard wants to break into a run. Not super fast, mind you, but he wants to speed up and I’m beyond into it. My body loves it and it bonds Wizard and me further into our lovely connection. Greg gets to howl with Wizard when his instincts sense the need for them to connect; whereas I get to run with Wizard when he lets me know he wants to partake. Good thing I’m prepared with the right shoes, otherwise I’d be trotting in Crocs or flip-flops!

February is starting to be a wonderful month. We have had more than our fair share of rain and wind, but it’s expected on the California Central Coast during the wintertime. The days are getting longer though and the light of each day lasts well into almost 6 p.m. now. The three of us take our final walk after dinner and sometimes, Wizard will break into a trot on that one too! Can you believe it? Here I have this belly full of delicious food, more clothes on to tackle the cooler climes, and our incredible little pup wants to trot for block after block.

Greg just laughs. He hangs back with his flashlight and keeps his slow-moving after-dinner pace, only to catch up with Wizard and me once we round the corner toward home. I’ve discovered running again, albeit slowly, mindfully, and without much fanfare. My competitive running days are 30 years or more behind me, so it’s super awesome to be able to trot with Wizard when he’s in the mood. By the time I return home in the morning after our dawn outing, I’m ready to drop into a yoga practice with Wizard lying by my side, and creatively writing something for someone who needs the work. Greg and I have breakfast together thereafter and the whole day feels like a dream of soulful connections.

If you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your beloved—whether animal or human—and want to reach out for a furthered connection through yoga or a visit with Wizard and myself, we’re always ready to spread the LOVE. We keep the ‘holiday’ on the down-low. Usually dinner and flowers and time spent together. Greg and I are a pretty low-key couple who have our partying days many many years behind us, thus getting together with just each other, Wizard, and any of our closest friends and their pups, we’re down with that.

Cheers to a new welcoming of invigoration through spontaneous activity from the four-legged-pawed family members! If you’re up for receiving any tips on how to prepare for a walk that turns into a trot, do reach out and I’ll give you whatever simple joys I can offer. Remember, you don’t have to be an athlete to inspire your dog walks with something different; you just have to follow their lead and see what your pup wants to do. They might surprise you!

In love and health always,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

p.s. in loving memory of Scout, too. I’m keeping this 8 Paws Wellness website up and running as a tribute to my beloved Divine pawed partner (Scout) who helped me get it started back in 2015. Now that Wizard has picked up where Scout left off, we hope you’ll feel the love we’re sharing and want to be part of this experience. It’s all about joy, fun, revelations, connection, silliness, and plenty of adventure.