Where The Road Leads...

May, oh May. What a thrilling and nourishing time of year! Gardens are blossoming, the energy is rich with intuition, and our little 15 lb. Wizard is growing up and getting to be THE BEST at comedy, joyfulness, and curiosity. Of course, he’s still in puppy mode, but we encourage him to explore, to rabble rouse with other dogs, and now, to run with us on the beach at low tide.

Watching him vacillate between trotting next to my feet closer to the shore, or running up higher in the sand and being next to Greg’s side, Wizard gets it done. If he is distracted by another pup who is with their person, he simply returns to us after playtime and doesn’t miss a beat. This has been a long time coming, this road of him running with us.

Wizard is healthy and strong, almost 11 months young, and funnier than ever. We waited a while to take him on a beach run, mainly because he wasn’t discerning enough between the rougher big dogs and the smaller prissy dogs. He simply ran up to them all and was his jovial self. Sometimes, it didn’t turn out so well and he got checked. Other times, the pup’s guardian would yell that Wizard was too much, and I’d have to call him back to my side.

I understand though. Everyone has their ways of being with their dogs and what the person feels is best for their lives. Dogs are simple creatures. They only love and act from their heart. There’s no judgment or hate within a dog. Whenever I hear (or see) an owner wrangling their pup in such a way that doesn’t benefit either party, I bite my tongue. I’m no dog expert, but I do know they love their freedom, they love to be happy and meet other pups, and they love to love. That’s it. The problem is us humans who instill our badness on the dog and then blame them for “he/she doesn’t like other dogs” phrases that oftentimes get blurted out because the owner is THAT WAY.

Think about it. Dogs sniff butts and either want to play with a hearty tail wag, or they move on to the next thing, whatever it may be. Humans are responsible for how their dogs behave in this world. It’s common logic. We can mess them up forever and they end up in adoption centers with a host of issues. Or we can treat them with kindness, love, and respect, and be amongst the most beautiful creatures on Earth.

The road leads to whatever we lay onto it. Good dogs, bad dogs, good people, bad people—they all exist and they are all part of society. Fortunately, living in a dog-oriented community paves the way for lots of fun, smiles, and happy pups. Speaking of which, Wizard is set to travel down the road for yet another adventure in Arizona with his cousins. There is a new member of my brother’s pack, named Maya. She is a terrier mix who I can envision Wizard having the time of his life.

So, four dogs, lots of chickens, oodles of tortoises, and garden care are on tap for the end of our road trip in mid-May. We’ve got a stop in Joshua Tree on the way to and from Phoenix, only to break up the hours of L.A. traffic and having to recover from sitting in the truck all day. Our first stop is at a familiar guest house, a place where Wizard can let his fun flag fly. On the trip back to California is a cool stop at a trailer that is completely fenced in and Wizard can also let his curiosity flag fly!

May is such an awesome month. Wizard and I are practicing yoga every morning. This is his (and my) time to connect and the intentions I set for us throughout each day. Yoga calms him as much as it helps me. 8 Paws Wellness continues to be a bonded practice of yoga with your dog, yet we have only helped a few locals in our community feel what we do. It could grow from here, but honestly, I’m happy as ever to let my gig with Wizard evolve as it needs to.

If 8 Paws Wellness is nothing more than me sharing stories and inspiration here on my website, I’m good with that too. Either way, we’ve been going strong since 2015. First with Scout, my beloved Rat/Jack Russell terrier mix who you can see has lots of photos in the gallery of this site. Secondly, images of Wizard growing up and becoming all he needs to be. I cover it all.

Wherever this road leads is where we will be. I can’t say for sure how things will turn out from one month to the next, but rest assured, we are healthy, we are connected, we are having one great adventure after another, and we are here for YOU. Thank you again for your support over the years. 8 Paws Wellness keeps going because of the private messages I receive to keep it going. It’s wonderful.

Cheers to May! Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, school graduations, journies abroad, flowers and more flowers, and above all, dogs that LOVE to be involved in your lives.

In health and happiness,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

A Small Health Scare for Wizard

Oh boy, the eclipse and planetary activity have been rather intense of late, and we’re no strangers to health things that crop up in our pups. Because you know my freak out when Scout got sick last year, imagine what I felt when I saw Wizard doing some weird convulsing without warning the other day. We immediately took him to the vet and she saw us right away, thank the stars and the goddesses and the gods!

They kept Wizard in their care ALL DAY. It was not only hard on Greg and I, but we had no idea what was going on and whether he’d be okay. Given that Wizard is approaching 10 months young, I thought he was such a badass rock star dog, he could get through anything. We emailed a video of Wizard having these out-of-the-blue mild seizures to the vet and she was alarmed. My heart raced and I immediately envisioned epilepsy, which is somewhat common in Border Terriers.

The vet took blood samples and stool samples, and we left with our hearts feeling mighty heavy. Knowing he would be in a holding cage at the vet without anyone to love on him was more than I could bear. This is a majorly awesome vet here in Los Osos, however, we’ve never left Wizard alone. I mean, ever!

Imagine him freaking out without us. Now imagine me freaking out without him. Thank god, Greg is such a rock. Without his soft and reassuring words ‘everything will be okay’ throughout the day yesterday, I have no doubt I would be a pile of tears on the floor. As it turns out, though, we got word today that Wizard is healthy as a horse and has no signs of any major illness or disease.

Initially, the vet was sure he was suffering from liver shunt. I researched it and the prognosis was rather grim. Greg and I held each other, loved up on Wizard when we picked him up from his all-day stay at the vet, gave him whatever he wanted, let him cuddle up on us all night (which is standard for us), and couldn’t wait for him to get back to his raucous dog play at the beach.

When I received the news today that he was all good, both Greg and I celebrated with extra hugs for each other and having Wizard between us like a wonderful sandwich of love during our hugs. Any health scare with any pup is cause for some major grief in our household. I take it all in and feel what the dog may be going through. I’m no expert at this but I have a pulse on the energetic transference from a set of paws.

What else? Since Wizard’s health has dominated the last few days, I’ll close out this April edition with a beautiful prayer that someone recently sent me. “Oh mighty healer, savior of mankind, please bring your presence that causes sickness to retreat, please rest in the heart of my dog, who has fallen ill. I can't alleviate their pain, I beg for the help of your boundless mercy. Help them recover swiftly, as your love extends to all beings. Amen.” I took this prayer in and meditated with it during my yoga practice—with Wizard at my side.

Prayers were answered. Wizard is doing great and is going to be fine. As much as I love this pup and have invested all my heart into him since he was 12 weeks young, I also know that life tends to throw curveballs to get your attention. Greg and I are so grateful to our vet, our community with whom we shared Wizard’s woes, and the neighbors who inquired within. All is well and all will always be well.

April is a month of major sky things, too. A Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th (wear your protective eye stuff if you plan to gaze at it), a full Pink Moon on the 23rd, and Mercury retrograde right now as we speak. I mean, wow. The intensity is BIG. Humans feel it, but so do animals. They can act strange and behave in odd ways, simply because they are so attuned to what Mother Nature brings to the surface.

I’m keeping a keen eye on Wizard and besides him being so unbelievably cute and robust, he’s also vulnerable to everything everywhere and at any time. Yet for now and the future though, we are placing his well-being first—always have and always will. There’s no shortage of compassion and love for our pup’s health.

We wish you all out there a blessed month of April. May all beings be free from suffering. May all beings be free from danger. May all beings know peace. I recite this mantra every morning. It sure does help for every living and breathing thing on the planet. We also hope this Spring season brings positive abundance and a thriving spirit. There’s a lot to process, but together, WE CAN DO THIS.

All my health and heart,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

Happy Growls and Joyful Foot Stomps

What a milestone time we’re in with our little Wizard! He’s a full-blown teenager now—almost clocking in at 9 months young and being more comedic and perfect than we ever imagined. There are a few idiosyncrasies that are new and I wanted to share them with you. Other than our dawn walks together, Wizard has become my yoga sidekick and all things zen-like after morning play with Greg. I’ll explain.

So, we launch out for our dawn walks a tad earlier since the skies are opening up and lightening up earlier. Granted, once the time change happens for springing forward I’ll adjust my take-off times accordingly. But, once we set feet and paws out the door, there is no stopping where we go and how far we go. That’s not the best part though.

The minute we return from a walk/trot (remember I mentioned in February’s blog about how we break into a faster pace?) Wizard wants to play with Greg for a solid 20 minutes or so. They run through the house like crazy, grabbing toys, chasing each other, throwing balls, you name it and they do it. This leads me to the title of March’s blog here: Happy Growls and Joyful Foot Stomps.

Greg runs through the house barefoot, sliding and stomping on the wood floors, which ultimately excites Wizard into more raucous play. Pup responds with the coolest growls and grumbles and squeaks that get Greg even more stompy. It’s a back-and-forth like I’ve never experienced before with any dog, not even Scout. Greg and Wizards’ connection is so incredibly beautiful, it’s as if they are from a different planet and only understand each other’s language.

This alone makes me beyond happy. I take my time, stripping off my layers of clothes from the morning walk/trot due to sweat, hang the coat, put away my running shoes, and get Wizards’ harness and leash all hung up (after I managed to wrangle away from his body as he’s jonesing to play with Greg), and wash the leftover dishes in the sink. I get my yoga mat ready, the music to accompany my practice ready, my chosen crystal of the day, and set the mood for 30 minutes of peace and tranquility and connection with Wizard.

You’d think that it would be impossible to slow him down once he runs into the house and the happy growls and joyous foot stomping begins, but he does, miraculously. All of this routine and become part of our early day-to-day ritual. I love it. Greg loves it. Wizard loves it more than anything, and we are sealed closer together as a pack family.

I often wonder what our neighbors think. Houses that are situated in the Cuesta Inlet are a little closer in distance, so it’s easy to hear what goes on if windows are open. We leave all windows open, that’s my psychosis talking. I have this thing whereby I want to always feel the air, the freedom of nature, and to feel as though every inch of our home space is clean and cleared by Mother Nature herself. Greg just laughs and obliges, what a great man he is.

Between their howling together, their happy growls, and joyful foot stomps throughout the house, I’d venture to say that March is off to a rousing start. But I have to pay homage to something bittersweet and reminders that are throughout this house and the energy we share. Scout passed away last March. Tough to think about my beloved Divine partner who hasn’t been with me since 2023, spreading his amazing love to all who have met and known him.

I pay tribute to his shrine in our Scout Sanctuary/Oz room every day. His ashes, the signature crystals that adorn his altar, the feathers he’s found with me on the beach and trails, any heart rocks that have crossed our path over the years, shells, letters, and sentiments from others whose hearts he touched, it’s such a comprehensive and colorful altar that encapsulates Scout to a tee. And one more thing.

He lives on in Wizard. I see signs and behaviors that our little Border Terrier possesses and it delights me to no end. Wizard is no Scout though, and I don’t want him to be. But having Scout watch over our daily actions and be present with us during yoga connection time is both loving and spiritually Divine. I thank my beloved Scout after every practice, along with gratitude to God, my Guardian Angels, and the Divine Ascended Masters. I feel each universal presence with me every morning. I know Wizard does, too.

March is here. Our travels this month only include a road trip down to Hollywood to share birthday wishes for Greg’s mom and brother—Wizard along for the ride, of course. We’ll see how he does at a fancy schmancy restaurant this go-round. We haven’t taken him anywhere other than a coffee shop, the outdoor cafe at the local golf course, and an outdoor local simple eatery, so it’ll be a new milestone for him and us.

We wish you the very best Spring season—the transitional time of freshness, beginnings, longer days, hopefully, warmer temperatures, nurturing my garden and deciding what to plant and where to plant, and being all things to Wizard and Greg. Every sentient and good human deserves to be recognized and celebrated.

Thank you for spending this moment perusing my site and reading my updates. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you support 8 Paws Wellness and my ongoing efforts to keep it real, keep the dog's energy pawsitive, and keep every(body) healthy through yoga and harmonious living.

We love you,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

Walks That Turn Into Trots

I used to be an avid runner. Marathoner. All of the races were either in Big Sur, Austin, on the Monterey peninsula, Boulder, or northern California. I won many and led the pack in more than a few. Running defined me ever since college when I was a member of the UT Track Team in 1980—a long time ago. I trained and trained and succeeded in events that I never thought possible.

Given that, what does any of this have to do with 8 Paws Wellness? Well, I’ll tell you. Our little Wizard (who just turned 8 months young) has developed a penchant for running on our early dawn walks. Normally, I wear Crocs when I wake up to walk him, preferring the comfort and ease of sliding them on and off. Plus, ever since I had major sciatica in 2018, I’ve wanted to take care of my feet, which helps my posture, which helps my back remain healthy.

I also have a cool pair of running shoes that I’d bust out every so often and go to the track to do sprints and run stairs, or take a 5-mile easy run on the Bluff Trail that borders the ocean in Los Osos. Unfortunately, dogs aren’t allowed there, and the times I’ve gone for a run to the Bluff were before Wizard entered our lives. I wasn’t sure he would want to begin running at all, especially at such a young age.

But Wizard is a high-energy and high-activity breed who craves adventure and exercise as much as I do. Getting back to our early walk/runs though, I decided to start sporting my running shoes at 6 a.m., in the event he might want to pick up the pace. Sure enough, the minute I say “Let’s run!” Wizard is undeniably into it. We trot for about 30 minutes now and travel all over the streets as the dawn skies break open with the most captivating stars, leftover clouds from the rain the night before (or perhaps, foreshadowing more rain to come), and every sound imaginable from Mother Nature’s nocturnal critters waking up.

Wizard has reinvigorated my love of running. I wasn’t so much into it after Scout passed away last March. He used to accompany me on every beach run, trail run, track run, and stair run, so it didn’t seem right to trot without him. My mojo was waning and my aches and pains were returning. Oddly, my entire body feels a thousand times better when I get invigorated with heart-rate exercises in the beautiful outdoors while having a blast with my dog.

I had an intention I set early for Wizard—to be able to run with him, for him to accompany Greg on his paddleboard in the inlet, for him to learn new skills that use his working breed to the nth. Although he hasn’t had the pleasure of being with Greg on the paddleboard yet, Wizard certainly has learned numerous skills that play into the Border Terrier breed. He checks off milestone after milestone as the months go by, and both Greg and I are elated with what an amazing dog he’s becoming.

The walks that turn into trots are completely spontaneous. I’ll even be on a longer afternoon walk and Wizard wants to break into a run. Not super fast, mind you, but he wants to speed up and I’m beyond into it. My body loves it and it bonds Wizard and me further into our lovely connection. Greg gets to howl with Wizard when his instincts sense the need for them to connect; whereas I get to run with Wizard when he lets me know he wants to partake. Good thing I’m prepared with the right shoes, otherwise I’d be trotting in Crocs or flip-flops!

February is starting to be a wonderful month. We have had more than our fair share of rain and wind, but it’s expected on the California Central Coast during the wintertime. The days are getting longer though and the light of each day lasts well into almost 6 p.m. now. The three of us take our final walk after dinner and sometimes, Wizard will break into a trot on that one too! Can you believe it? Here I have this belly full of delicious food, more clothes on to tackle the cooler climes, and our incredible little pup wants to trot for block after block.

Greg just laughs. He hangs back with his flashlight and keeps his slow-moving after-dinner pace, only to catch up with Wizard and me once we round the corner toward home. I’ve discovered running again, albeit slowly, mindfully, and without much fanfare. My competitive running days are 30 years or more behind me, so it’s super awesome to be able to trot with Wizard when he’s in the mood. By the time I return home in the morning after our dawn outing, I’m ready to drop into a yoga practice with Wizard lying by my side, and creatively writing something for someone who needs the work. Greg and I have breakfast together thereafter and the whole day feels like a dream of soulful connections.

If you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your beloved—whether animal or human—and want to reach out for a furthered connection through yoga or a visit with Wizard and myself, we’re always ready to spread the LOVE. We keep the ‘holiday’ on the down-low. Usually dinner and flowers and time spent together. Greg and I are a pretty low-key couple who have our partying days many many years behind us, thus getting together with just each other, Wizard, and any of our closest friends and their pups, we’re down with that.

Cheers to a new welcoming of invigoration through spontaneous activity from the four-legged-pawed family members! If you’re up for receiving any tips on how to prepare for a walk that turns into a trot, do reach out and I’ll give you whatever simple joys I can offer. Remember, you don’t have to be an athlete to inspire your dog walks with something different; you just have to follow their lead and see what your pup wants to do. They might surprise you!

In love and health always,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

p.s. in loving memory of Scout, too. I’m keeping this 8 Paws Wellness website up and running as a tribute to my beloved Divine pawed partner (Scout) who helped me get it started back in 2015. Now that Wizard has picked up where Scout left off, we hope you’ll feel the love we’re sharing and want to be part of this experience. It’s all about joy, fun, revelations, connection, silliness, and plenty of adventure.

Wizard Turns 7 Months Young!

I have to begin this New Year of 2024 with a message. Here goes:

Round and round and round we go, For what? To where? Does anyone know?

It's all good fortune as you remain, To know your gift
And share the same. Trust can be what soothes your needs.

To rely on source Your mind is freed. For once and all:  All is ONE.

To know God's love

Through dusk, through dawn.

The above was sent to me by a very dear intuitive friend who lives in St. Augustine, Florida—the oldest and most classic city in all of America. Once I read these poetic words I had to pause and reflect. She alone receives messages from her Spirit Guides and delivers them to those who need to hear them at precisely the moment they need to hear them.

Her timing was epic, as her email landed in my inbox a few days ago. Wizard is now 7 months young and I have to turn everything over to Source. Let go and let God, as many know to be the mantra of the spiritual community. Our little pup is growing up so fast; yet, as proud as I am of him with his maturation and development, I truly want him to remain a puppy for the rest of his life.

Thankfully, his body structure stays small and his intellect grows large! What a joy Wizard has become to Greg and me. I refer to him now as “little man” only because his raw smarts have surpassed what Border Terriers are supposed to be at this young age. This breed exudes it all; robustness, versatility, happiness, spunkiness, affectionate, portability, and lovable. Wizard is ALL THAT AND MORE!

We’re getting set to ante up his intellectual ability by having him dock-dive. It’s where Greg or I toss a long tuggy thingy up high into the sky as Wizard runs down the short dock in Baywood to leap, retrieve the tuggy in the air, land in the water, and swim back to us. Borders have been known to showcase this talent in spades, therefore, to play into keeping Wizard learning new things, that’s what we’re going to accomplish in 2024. He can do it, as I sense his jumping tactics and focus to be quite strong right now.

Also, his recall is improving. It’s not stellar by any stretch—especially when other dogs are around to distract him—but he comes when called, he loves to receive a treat morsel as he sits and stays after returning to me or Greg, and his adorable black bowling ball eyes are to die for. He gazes up at me, cranks his head to one side as if to understand and get every word I say, and takes it all in. We are so in love with this pup of ours, it’s beyond the beyond. Even Greg begins a howling ritual with Wizard when they’re together. He does it a few times each week and I get such a kick out of their connection.

We have our daily routine (that tends to evolve as we/Wizard evolves), we take our pup everywhere we go, and we play into his persona to reap all the benefits of this awesome little brown gentleman. Cherishing these moments from the past 4 1/2 months has shown us more of ourselves, more of what Wizard is capable of, and more of what we plan to do in 2024. For starters, taking more road trips. Wizard is a master of road travel so we’re going to keep going and staying in Airbnb’s, or camping in the truck, or whatever; nothing is off the table.

Giving it ALL to Source. Letting go and letting God. Trusting in the process of life. All that I need is always taken care of, I am safe. I recite these words as well on my early dawn walks. Speaking of which, we had a mountain lion sighting very close to us the other morning! What a treat! Wizard and I were walking/running down a new-ish path that leads to our local Sweet Springs Preserve and as we were rounding the corner to head back home, a large figure crossed the road in front of us. A car was coming our way with its headlights beaming bright, and it turned out to be a neighbor of ours who saw the mountain lion crossing so he rolled his window down and shouted “Get in the car!”

Wizard wasn’t one bit fazed by the big cat, nor was I. We thanked our neighbor for his concern, never got in his car, but rather watched the large cat traipse into the forest, look back at us, and move on away. We slowly resumed our walk/run home. I couldn’t wait to share the news with Greg. He was equal parts delighted and freaked out. We tend to approach safety situations differently, and it all boils down to Greg’s more logical background and past work-life history. I tend to approach occurrences with a willingness to surrender. It’s not always beneficial but it has served me well over the years. Plus, it raises my happiness factor! Funny thing, Greg says I have a lucky shamrock embedded in my skin. :)

Now that 2024 is off to a rousing start, I’ve got more creative endeavors up my sleeve that I will share with you in the coming months. It’s such a joy to be part of the Los Osos community. It feels as though—since we live so close to the ocean—that everyone looks out for one another, that everyone truly cares for one another, and that everyone is genuinely interested in one another. Wizard and I have had more playdates with local pups in the past month than we’ve ever had, and our circle of pawed friends continues to thrive.

I love watching him play and wrestle with other dogs—both large and small. Granted, he gets checked now and again, but these lessons from the wise elder pups are just what he needs. If he’s learning how to behave, how to read body language, and when it’s okay to get rowdy with another dog, I’m all in. Wizard is incredibly unique. I think our daily yoga rituals together are helping his psyche be calm when needed, protective where warranted, catch up on rest after a morning of play and a long walk, as well as being part of a peaceful connection. This is what 8 Paws Wellness is (and has always been) about. Gratitude for the presence of a pawsitive human and dog interaction.

With that, I’ll bid adieu for now. We wish you nothing but kindness, good health, and much prosperity for 2024. Seems as though lots is happening and seems as though every human and animal is getting in touch with their true nature. This is the year to remain who you are and have a Divine connection with all sentient beings. To honor all is to love all.

Have a blessed month and we’ll see you soon!

Hugs, paw licks, and howls,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

A 2023 Finale....

Wow, it’s hard to imagine that another year is coming to a close. And what a year it has been! Overwhelmed with grief on losing Scout back in March, a beautiful welcoming of our new pup Wizard in early September, my seventh book arriving on stands in late September, and wrapping up a series of short book projects as a ghostwriter for a client in Israel. This 2023 year has been a whirlwind of emotions, to be sure.

As a ghostwriter for the children’s book series (three, to be exact) my pen name is Gerry Bird. How fun is that? It’s not what I chose, but rather what the client chose. He has a fascination with sports and I had a fascination with Larry Bird from the Boston Celtics way back in the 1980s. It was practically kismet that he gave me such a sweet and serendipitous name to add as the author to his project. You can find the books here and see if your child or adult friend might want to pick up a copy of them (one, two, or perhaps three)!

It was a fun and detailed project to work on during August, and it kept me busy alongside my book project titled “When Rebellion Ruled: The High School Years.” It’s no secret that I have a passion for writing books, authoring blogs, or helping others meet their goals with writing projects. The more the merrier! Speaking of Merry Merry, we are set to travel next week for some mid-December caregiving in Arizona of my brother’s dogs, chickens, and home. He’s off to Argentina for 10 days and who better to take care of his place than Greg, Wizard, and me?

I’m so looking forward to Wizard meeting his cousins, especially after one of my brother’s dogs—Marley—passed away not too long ago. It’ll initially be weird to visit without her, but I have confidence that our pup will get along swimmingly with Chato and Jasper, three males under one roof could be amazingly fun or intensely interesting. Either way, it also gives me a chance to catch up with Mom in Scottsdale. We’ll visit with her daily, I can’t wait. She also hasn’t met Wizard, so it’ll be a wonderful new energy welcomed into her life, if only for a brief moment.

Again, 2023 had lots going on with it. Losing Scout, writing books, adopting Wizard, losing our cousin Marley dog, and taking an extended trip to AZ with stopovers in Joshua Tree and Hollywood. Greg’s mom lives down there and they are celebrating her closest friend’s 80th birthday party, so we’ll drive down to La La Land first, stay in a funky Airbnb, go to dinner, then split the following day and head over to J-Tree for another overnighter in another adventurous Airbnb close to the Park. More whirlwinds are in store for all of us!

And lastly, we plan to stay put for Christmas, celebrate here in Los Osos with Greg’s son, and keep everything on the down low. After caregiving for 11 days, it’ll feel good to unwind and be at home near the ocean. Wizard will have his sea legs by then, and lots of swimming experience in Arizona. My brother’s pool will see to that. I’m thrilled Wizard will learn to swim, yet his Border Terrier breed is born to be an excellent swimmer, thus he’ll be getting in the ocean soon and on Greg’s paddleboard even sooner, hurray!

That’s all I got for now. Won’t you join me in honoring 2023 as a transition year, one that leaves us with so much on our plates, and one that leaves us with incredible memories of cherished days gone by? Oh, Wizard is now practicing yoga with me and I couldn’t be happier about how much it calms us both down. 8 Paws Wellness as a peaceful connection with your dog is alive and thriving. I’m available to offer online practices as well. Simply set up your monitor close to your mat, making sure your pup understands that they’re involved with the yoga practice right there next to you. Once the harmonious tunes get going in the background and my voice is piped in with movement, you’ll be amazed at how your pup will be in alignment with your energy for an entire day, if not longer.

It’s such a win-win for you and your canine companion. I believe the 2024 year will have lots of surprises in store, maybe more than you ever dreamed. We’ll be right there with you, taking it all in, giving it all back, and loving every minute.

Have a joyous Christmas, a joyous holiday season, and a rousing New Year, and may all your wildest dreams come true! Our hearts have been full, and our lives have been healthy, thank the stars and the universe. We honor Scout’s shrine every day. Wizard and I walk at dawn and give thanks for where we live and how we roll, what with all the hooting owls high in the trees, the local donkey raising his voice to the horizon, and the nocturnal critters scattering about. I get such a high with early morning walks, so much so that I have to pinch myself as a reminder of the genuine beauty that surrounds us.

We hope the best for you, always.

In health and happiness,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

On Giving Thanks

I have SO MUCH to be thankful for at this juncture in my life. Not only am I feeling immense contentment in my heart, but what’s transpired and led to transformation at age 64 is nothing short of awesome. A new pup, new beginnings, being guided by Scout and my angels and the Divine Ascended Masters have all led to waking up with gratitude surrounding my vibe daily. Everything happens for a reason and everything comes when it needs to, as the sayings go.

Wizard is blowing our minds, I’ll just put that out there first off. His ability to read situations at now 5 months old, his confidence when greeting new people and pups, and his lack of fear surrounding new environments have both Greg and me feeling as though we won the lottery. We already got graced by lottery winning when we met each other in 2020, but now, it’s Wizard and his magical being that gives us thanks for how he’s evolving into something truly special.

My garden has given me and several others nourishment and beauty. From Swiss chard to beets to deep green kale, to purple bell peppers, green onions, cabbage, and cauliflower, I’d say I have had a banner season of growing what I never thought possible. I didn’t get it right the first time last year, however, this season I found myself riding my bike to the local nursery more often and consulting with the experts on soil conditions and proper lighting and what ratio of plant food to give each budding sprout. It’s still not perfection and I’m okay with that. As long as I was able to enjoy the fruits of my labor, the time invested made it all worth it. I’m still going crazy with chard and kale, so those alone are welcomed additions to my meals. Did I mention the lemon tree out front? Oh boy, that’s producing some mighty fine Meyers lemons and the fruits are smelling delicious every time we enter the front gate.

Work projects have been incredibly fun and engaging as well. I was in a months-long submersion of helping a sports fashion guy from Israel work on his unique sports book project for young readers. As it turns out, the pen name he gave me for these books is Gerry Bird. I loved it from the start. Although the current photo and bio on Amazon aren’t me—as per my agreement with my collaborating partner in this project—he captured what Gerry Bird would be like. Without even knowing my admiration for Boston Celtics great Larry Bird, my book collaborator had a sense that Gerry Bird would fit. He said that my persona was similar to the ‘lightness of a bird in flight.’ Our partnership on these (and many more to come) projects) was a genuine respect for the outcome. His vision came to life through my words, and for that, my gratitude runs deep. We’ve also kept in touch based on the chaos in his country and how I wish his family continued blessings and peace. His gratitude runs deep for my sentiments, as well as the work I did for him. Such a gift.

I also published my 7th book ‘When Rebellion Ruled: The High School Years.’ Granted, the contents are all about my 1970s years, yet what a fun time that was! The memories I recalled and the girls I partnered with on all adventures were beyond anything I could relive in today’s age. We were crazy and rebellious. I wouldn’t trade any of those four high school years in Dallas for anything else in the world, although, during the height of every interaction with a nun or teacher who tried to give me some boundaries, naturally, I went the other way. Ha, what a trip!

Lastly, Greg, Wizard, and I will be staying in Los Osos for the Thanksgiving holiday. I usually travel to Arizona to be with my family, however, we’re changing it up this year and the three of us will be road-tripping to the desert in December instead. My brother and his partner are going on vacation to South America and Greg and I will watch over their house, their three pups, their numerous chickens and tortoises, and take care of Mom. This will be Wizard’s inaugural visit with these four-legged cousins, so we’re excited and a tad nervous about it all. He’s gotten into such a schedule and routine that we’re hoping we can maintain a sense of THAT while we’re away with him. Microdosing adversity, are two words that Greg uses and abides by often. He’s such a stellar example of wisdom and knowledge when it comes to his well-being that I stand back in awe of how he cares for himself and others.

Wizard and I microdose adversity practically every day, as this little pup teaches me how to be patient, how to be more in the moment, and how to love unconditionally even more. My gratitude for his presence in our lives shows up after every walk. You know what? He takes me on an interval training run every time we step out the door. As a former runner myself, I never thought Wizard would be so graceful at the sport and WANT to run at breakneck speeds. Lately, I’ve become used to waking up, having my hot tea, and bolting out the door with him sans warning of picking up the pace. Good thing I’m wearing my trusty Crocs. I swear, those plastic shoes serve me well on morning walks/runs, lol!

For everybody who is celebrating this month of togetherness and coziness, we wish you and yours all the blessings that shorter days and maybe chillier days bring. Our Central Coast area is experiencing an Indian summer, thus it’s pretty frosty in the early morning but the warmer winds blow in and the temperatures reach the upper 70s by midday. We’ve been needing a break from the fog and rain of this past year, and it’s here, hurray! But, we do hunker down fairly early, as it’s football season and Greg’s favorite time of year to surf. Wizard will be out there with him on early paddles in the ocean soon enough, that’s our hope. He has no fear of the water or new stimulus, yet we’re not rushing it. All in good time and all on Wizard’s time.

Thank you for your continued love and support. My heart and soul spilleth over with gratitude for life’s everything and everyone's. It’s been a tough year around the world. If we all can take a moment to appreciate each other, show compassion to our fellow beings, be mindful of everybody’s differences, and respond with a loving heart, I have no doubt we can bring a sense of peace and harmony to all situations. Let’s drop the ego and run together. That’s what dogs do, so why not people, too?

With love and beautiful wishes for optimal health,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo

Birthday blessings and a Growing Wizard in Our Midst

Happy happy happy! This is the best way to describe how I feel about LIFE right now. I just celebrated my birthday with my love(s), I just published my 7th book about my 1970s high school years, and I just completed a wonderful project as a ghostwriter for another book—under my pen name Gerry Bird. The latter was given to me by the project’s original innovator and I went with it. Perfect for my flittering about ways, while also embracing the lightness in my heart.

Our little Wizard is 15 weeks young today. What a fascinating journey we’ve had bringing him up together in complete and total connection as one unit. I’ve never experienced raising a puppy with a beloved partner, or at least one positive example I can think of in my years of being a dog guardian with a man. So many past mistakes I made trying to force my mannerisms and schedule onto a young dog, when in fact, I needed to be patient and accept THEIR timing versus mine. Wizard is showing Greg and I how it’s done.

Every single moment of every single day since we brought him home in early September, we’ve had to be ON. Movement is a central focus for us, actions and activities that enhance our health and keep us young at heart. Greg has his affinity towards the water—surfing, paddling, swimming; whereas, my movement goes straight to the trails and shore—running, hiking, biking. But, Greg does all the things I participate in as well, and I’ll admit, I do love to swim, but not in the chilly Pacific. I’d rather be in the warm waters of Hawaii or the Caribbean Sea.

Meanwhile, Wizard is definitely going to be a water baby. We’ve taken him to the beach and he’s already showing signs of wanting to be in the water with Greg. Maybe not fully swimming yet, although Wizard would rather get up on Greg’s paddleboard and launch out that way. We haven’t experimented yet, however, once Wizard is a tad older we’ll be getting his cute little butt on the board and into the water. We also plan to train him how to dock dive, which is something the Border Terrier is known for. This is a sport and agility-type of activity that they thrive on, so we’re going to play right into his DNA and give him the fun he deserves.

Then there’s yoga. That’s solely me and Wizard. We have a harmonious bond that offers both of us peace-full energy throughout the morning. You see, I get the morning shift and Greg gets the evening shift. I wake up with Wizard, walk him, practice yoga with him, feed him etcetera. Once darkness rolls in, Greg plays with him, feeds him, and puts him to bed. It’s a workable situation and one that we embrace and love.

October is a month to reap what you’ve sown over the Spring and Summer months. It is not necessarily a time to slow down—as September was for me—but a month to begin planning for upcoming holidays, hunker in more with family and loved ones, and possibly go on adventures. October is our most pristine month here on the Central California coast. The ocean is warmer for those who enjoy venturing out into the waves and depths, and the air is crisper, clearer, and less foggy and humid. I absolutely adore October. Not because it’s my birth month, but how it transitions into everything mindful and wellness-oriented.

Now that I’m nearing retirement age, I’ve managed to pick and choose my projects, the pieces of content and creative writing that speak volumes to my heart. Before my partnership with Greg, I was all over the place with work projects and collaborations. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, yet I wasn’t focused on what truly mattered to my writing artistry. That’s the key—do what I want to do because I’ve lived well into my 60s and have earned it. In fact, I have been at this writing craft for way over 10 years and I have no plans to put the brakes on. Every facet of the creative process is a milestone and something different. I approach each collaborative effort with research, organization, and such enjoyment. THIS is why I stay with my craft of writing and storytelling.

May you continually feel what October brings to your life. May your health be at the top of your list. May your artistic talents shine in the face of adversity, and if a challenge is there, may you believe that you can rise above and conquer it. I had this mantra for years, three words I wrote in my journal on a daily basis. NEVER GIVE UP! It has worked for me throughout the last decade and I hope it works for me whenever I come up against an obstacle. So far though, life is rather awesome and flowy. With Wizard in our lives, we have new perspectives, new adventures, and definitely new ideas to give him and his nourishing years. He is our priority. He has brought us nothing but joy, silliness, more reasons to wake up in the morning, and definitely a notch above the ho-hum of everyday stuff.

To say we are blessed is an understatement. We have been given a gift of pawed life again. Scout watches over us moment by moment. Wizard is allowing Scout’s energy to vibe into his little puppy body and it’s so fun to see the growth of our four-legged fur baby. He’s been to the beach, an outdoor community concert, lots of parking lots in an effort to practice his skills and learning, and the numerous walks each and every day to wear him out. Did I mention Wizard’s sleeping a full eight hours every night? It wasn’t a cakewalk at first, but now we are dedicated and invested in his well-being. Potty training, socialization skills & activities, and car rides—he loves them all and does them all incredibly amazing.

That’s all for this month. We are sending lots of love and harvesting energy to you and yours. Next month, we’ll have more to chat about and more updates on Wizard’s progress, not to mention any new writing projects that cross my desk. I’m going crazy with how much fun I’m having with these entertaining responsibilities of writing books and creating content that helps others get inspired. It’s why I do what I do. And the yoga with Wizard is a bonus!

In health and happiness forever,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo