Birthday blessings and a Growing Wizard in Our Midst

Happy happy happy! This is the best way to describe how I feel about LIFE right now. I just celebrated my birthday with my love(s), I just published my 7th book about my 1970s high school years, and I just completed a wonderful project as a ghostwriter for another book—under my pen name Gerry Bird. The latter was given to me by the project’s original innovator and I went with it. Perfect for my flittering about ways, while also embracing the lightness in my heart.

Our little Wizard is 15 weeks young today. What a fascinating journey we’ve had bringing him up together in complete and total connection as one unit. I’ve never experienced raising a puppy with a beloved partner, or at least one positive example I can think of in my years of being a dog guardian with a man. So many past mistakes I made trying to force my mannerisms and schedule onto a young dog, when in fact, I needed to be patient and accept THEIR timing versus mine. Wizard is showing Greg and I how it’s done.

Every single moment of every single day since we brought him home in early September, we’ve had to be ON. Movement is a central focus for us, actions and activities that enhance our health and keep us young at heart. Greg has his affinity towards the water—surfing, paddling, swimming; whereas, my movement goes straight to the trails and shore—running, hiking, biking. But, Greg does all the things I participate in as well, and I’ll admit, I do love to swim, but not in the chilly Pacific. I’d rather be in the warm waters of Hawaii or the Caribbean Sea.

Meanwhile, Wizard is definitely going to be a water baby. We’ve taken him to the beach and he’s already showing signs of wanting to be in the water with Greg. Maybe not fully swimming yet, although Wizard would rather get up on Greg’s paddleboard and launch out that way. We haven’t experimented yet, however, once Wizard is a tad older we’ll be getting his cute little butt on the board and into the water. We also plan to train him how to dock dive, which is something the Border Terrier is known for. This is a sport and agility-type of activity that they thrive on, so we’re going to play right into his DNA and give him the fun he deserves.

Then there’s yoga. That’s solely me and Wizard. We have a harmonious bond that offers both of us peace-full energy throughout the morning. You see, I get the morning shift and Greg gets the evening shift. I wake up with Wizard, walk him, practice yoga with him, feed him etcetera. Once darkness rolls in, Greg plays with him, feeds him, and puts him to bed. It’s a workable situation and one that we embrace and love.

October is a month to reap what you’ve sown over the Spring and Summer months. It is not necessarily a time to slow down—as September was for me—but a month to begin planning for upcoming holidays, hunker in more with family and loved ones, and possibly go on adventures. October is our most pristine month here on the Central California coast. The ocean is warmer for those who enjoy venturing out into the waves and depths, and the air is crisper, clearer, and less foggy and humid. I absolutely adore October. Not because it’s my birth month, but how it transitions into everything mindful and wellness-oriented.

Now that I’m nearing retirement age, I’ve managed to pick and choose my projects, the pieces of content and creative writing that speak volumes to my heart. Before my partnership with Greg, I was all over the place with work projects and collaborations. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, yet I wasn’t focused on what truly mattered to my writing artistry. That’s the key—do what I want to do because I’ve lived well into my 60s and have earned it. In fact, I have been at this writing craft for way over 10 years and I have no plans to put the brakes on. Every facet of the creative process is a milestone and something different. I approach each collaborative effort with research, organization, and such enjoyment. THIS is why I stay with my craft of writing and storytelling.

May you continually feel what October brings to your life. May your health be at the top of your list. May your artistic talents shine in the face of adversity, and if a challenge is there, may you believe that you can rise above and conquer it. I had this mantra for years, three words I wrote in my journal on a daily basis. NEVER GIVE UP! It has worked for me throughout the last decade and I hope it works for me whenever I come up against an obstacle. So far though, life is rather awesome and flowy. With Wizard in our lives, we have new perspectives, new adventures, and definitely new ideas to give him and his nourishing years. He is our priority. He has brought us nothing but joy, silliness, more reasons to wake up in the morning, and definitely a notch above the ho-hum of everyday stuff.

To say we are blessed is an understatement. We have been given a gift of pawed life again. Scout watches over us moment by moment. Wizard is allowing Scout’s energy to vibe into his little puppy body and it’s so fun to see the growth of our four-legged fur baby. He’s been to the beach, an outdoor community concert, lots of parking lots in an effort to practice his skills and learning, and the numerous walks each and every day to wear him out. Did I mention Wizard’s sleeping a full eight hours every night? It wasn’t a cakewalk at first, but now we are dedicated and invested in his well-being. Potty training, socialization skills & activities, and car rides—he loves them all and does them all incredibly amazing.

That’s all for this month. We are sending lots of love and harvesting energy to you and yours. Next month, we’ll have more to chat about and more updates on Wizard’s progress, not to mention any new writing projects that cross my desk. I’m going crazy with how much fun I’m having with these entertaining responsibilities of writing books and creating content that helps others get inspired. It’s why I do what I do. And the yoga with Wizard is a bonus!

In health and happiness forever,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo