On Giving Thanks

I have SO MUCH to be thankful for at this juncture in my life. Not only am I feeling immense contentment in my heart, but what’s transpired and led to transformation at age 64 is nothing short of awesome. A new pup, new beginnings, being guided by Scout and my angels and the Divine Ascended Masters have all led to waking up with gratitude surrounding my vibe daily. Everything happens for a reason and everything comes when it needs to, as the sayings go.

Wizard is blowing our minds, I’ll just put that out there first off. His ability to read situations at now 5 months old, his confidence when greeting new people and pups, and his lack of fear surrounding new environments have both Greg and me feeling as though we won the lottery. We already got graced by lottery winning when we met each other in 2020, but now, it’s Wizard and his magical being that gives us thanks for how he’s evolving into something truly special.

My garden has given me and several others nourishment and beauty. From Swiss chard to beets to deep green kale, to purple bell peppers, green onions, cabbage, and cauliflower, I’d say I have had a banner season of growing what I never thought possible. I didn’t get it right the first time last year, however, this season I found myself riding my bike to the local nursery more often and consulting with the experts on soil conditions and proper lighting and what ratio of plant food to give each budding sprout. It’s still not perfection and I’m okay with that. As long as I was able to enjoy the fruits of my labor, the time invested made it all worth it. I’m still going crazy with chard and kale, so those alone are welcomed additions to my meals. Did I mention the lemon tree out front? Oh boy, that’s producing some mighty fine Meyers lemons and the fruits are smelling delicious every time we enter the front gate.

Work projects have been incredibly fun and engaging as well. I was in a months-long submersion of helping a sports fashion guy from Israel work on his unique sports book project for young readers. As it turns out, the pen name he gave me for these books is Gerry Bird. I loved it from the start. Although the current photo and bio on Amazon aren’t me—as per my agreement with my collaborating partner in this project—he captured what Gerry Bird would be like. Without even knowing my admiration for Boston Celtics great Larry Bird, my book collaborator had a sense that Gerry Bird would fit. He said that my persona was similar to the ‘lightness of a bird in flight.’ Our partnership on these (and many more to come) projects) was a genuine respect for the outcome. His vision came to life through my words, and for that, my gratitude runs deep. We’ve also kept in touch based on the chaos in his country and how I wish his family continued blessings and peace. His gratitude runs deep for my sentiments, as well as the work I did for him. Such a gift.

I also published my 7th book ‘When Rebellion Ruled: The High School Years.’ Granted, the contents are all about my 1970s years, yet what a fun time that was! The memories I recalled and the girls I partnered with on all adventures were beyond anything I could relive in today’s age. We were crazy and rebellious. I wouldn’t trade any of those four high school years in Dallas for anything else in the world, although, during the height of every interaction with a nun or teacher who tried to give me some boundaries, naturally, I went the other way. Ha, what a trip!

Lastly, Greg, Wizard, and I will be staying in Los Osos for the Thanksgiving holiday. I usually travel to Arizona to be with my family, however, we’re changing it up this year and the three of us will be road-tripping to the desert in December instead. My brother and his partner are going on vacation to South America and Greg and I will watch over their house, their three pups, their numerous chickens and tortoises, and take care of Mom. This will be Wizard’s inaugural visit with these four-legged cousins, so we’re excited and a tad nervous about it all. He’s gotten into such a schedule and routine that we’re hoping we can maintain a sense of THAT while we’re away with him. Microdosing adversity, are two words that Greg uses and abides by often. He’s such a stellar example of wisdom and knowledge when it comes to his well-being that I stand back in awe of how he cares for himself and others.

Wizard and I microdose adversity practically every day, as this little pup teaches me how to be patient, how to be more in the moment, and how to love unconditionally even more. My gratitude for his presence in our lives shows up after every walk. You know what? He takes me on an interval training run every time we step out the door. As a former runner myself, I never thought Wizard would be so graceful at the sport and WANT to run at breakneck speeds. Lately, I’ve become used to waking up, having my hot tea, and bolting out the door with him sans warning of picking up the pace. Good thing I’m wearing my trusty Crocs. I swear, those plastic shoes serve me well on morning walks/runs, lol!

For everybody who is celebrating this month of togetherness and coziness, we wish you and yours all the blessings that shorter days and maybe chillier days bring. Our Central Coast area is experiencing an Indian summer, thus it’s pretty frosty in the early morning but the warmer winds blow in and the temperatures reach the upper 70s by midday. We’ve been needing a break from the fog and rain of this past year, and it’s here, hurray! But, we do hunker down fairly early, as it’s football season and Greg’s favorite time of year to surf. Wizard will be out there with him on early paddles in the ocean soon enough, that’s our hope. He has no fear of the water or new stimulus, yet we’re not rushing it. All in good time and all on Wizard’s time.

Thank you for your continued love and support. My heart and soul spilleth over with gratitude for life’s everything and everyone's. It’s been a tough year around the world. If we all can take a moment to appreciate each other, show compassion to our fellow beings, be mindful of everybody’s differences, and respond with a loving heart, I have no doubt we can bring a sense of peace and harmony to all situations. Let’s drop the ego and run together. That’s what dogs do, so why not people, too?

With love and beautiful wishes for optimal health,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo