A Small Health Scare for Wizard

Oh boy, the eclipse and planetary activity have been rather intense of late, and we’re no strangers to health things that crop up in our pups. Because you know my freak out when Scout got sick last year, imagine what I felt when I saw Wizard doing some weird convulsing without warning the other day. We immediately took him to the vet and she saw us right away, thank the stars and the goddesses and the gods!

They kept Wizard in their care ALL DAY. It was not only hard on Greg and I, but we had no idea what was going on and whether he’d be okay. Given that Wizard is approaching 10 months young, I thought he was such a badass rock star dog, he could get through anything. We emailed a video of Wizard having these out-of-the-blue mild seizures to the vet and she was alarmed. My heart raced and I immediately envisioned epilepsy, which is somewhat common in Border Terriers.

The vet took blood samples and stool samples, and we left with our hearts feeling mighty heavy. Knowing he would be in a holding cage at the vet without anyone to love on him was more than I could bear. This is a majorly awesome vet here in Los Osos, however, we’ve never left Wizard alone. I mean, ever!

Imagine him freaking out without us. Now imagine me freaking out without him. Thank god, Greg is such a rock. Without his soft and reassuring words ‘everything will be okay’ throughout the day yesterday, I have no doubt I would be a pile of tears on the floor. As it turns out, though, we got word today that Wizard is healthy as a horse and has no signs of any major illness or disease.

Initially, the vet was sure he was suffering from liver shunt. I researched it and the prognosis was rather grim. Greg and I held each other, loved up on Wizard when we picked him up from his all-day stay at the vet, gave him whatever he wanted, let him cuddle up on us all night (which is standard for us), and couldn’t wait for him to get back to his raucous dog play at the beach.

When I received the news today that he was all good, both Greg and I celebrated with extra hugs for each other and having Wizard between us like a wonderful sandwich of love during our hugs. Any health scare with any pup is cause for some major grief in our household. I take it all in and feel what the dog may be going through. I’m no expert at this but I have a pulse on the energetic transference from a set of paws.

What else? Since Wizard’s health has dominated the last few days, I’ll close out this April edition with a beautiful prayer that someone recently sent me. “Oh mighty healer, savior of mankind, please bring your presence that causes sickness to retreat, please rest in the heart of my dog, who has fallen ill. I can't alleviate their pain, I beg for the help of your boundless mercy. Help them recover swiftly, as your love extends to all beings. Amen.” I took this prayer in and meditated with it during my yoga practice—with Wizard at my side.

Prayers were answered. Wizard is doing great and is going to be fine. As much as I love this pup and have invested all my heart into him since he was 12 weeks young, I also know that life tends to throw curveballs to get your attention. Greg and I are so grateful to our vet, our community with whom we shared Wizard’s woes, and the neighbors who inquired within. All is well and all will always be well.

April is a month of major sky things, too. A Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th (wear your protective eye stuff if you plan to gaze at it), a full Pink Moon on the 23rd, and Mercury retrograde right now as we speak. I mean, wow. The intensity is BIG. Humans feel it, but so do animals. They can act strange and behave in odd ways, simply because they are so attuned to what Mother Nature brings to the surface.

I’m keeping a keen eye on Wizard and besides him being so unbelievably cute and robust, he’s also vulnerable to everything everywhere and at any time. Yet for now and the future though, we are placing his well-being first—always have and always will. There’s no shortage of compassion and love for our pup’s health.

We wish you all out there a blessed month of April. May all beings be free from suffering. May all beings be free from danger. May all beings know peace. I recite this mantra every morning. It sure does help for every living and breathing thing on the planet. We also hope this Spring season brings positive abundance and a thriving spirit. There’s a lot to process, but together, WE CAN DO THIS.

All my health and heart,

Gerry Ellen and Wizard xoxo